Monday, April 11, 2011

Don't worry, he'd want me to speak up.

I was going to use my John Stuart Mill reading (On Liberty) assignment as the Guinea Pig for a new segment here on 2BF called "At Least He Tried" in an effort to deal with my annoyance at people that I mostly like but who are a teensy bit sexist, racist or classicist (usually because they live in the way-back-then.) Some cursory wiki scrounging, however has altered my judgment of Mr. Mill, and I am pleased to report that he was a strong advocate for women's rights and disavowed slavery. So, we now have "At Least He REALLY, TRULY Tried:"

List of Grievances:
-some races are excepted from liberty because they are still barbarous and uncivilized ( this is such a weird moment in the text that I wonder if he is just pandering for support. An Emily Dickinson situation?)
- assumption that there is THE TRUTH to be found AND
- it is probably Christian

Ways that he REALLY, TRULY tries:
- He stands up for contrary opinions ( a sassy lady’s fav kind)
- There is room for whatev he says about barbarous races (and also what he assumes about Christianity) to be challenged in his model where folks are encouraged to speak up

It’s not perfect (it never is) but what good fem’nist is against free speech?

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