Sunday, May 29, 2011

Keep my head in them books, I'm sharp but you don't care to know I'm smart.

I would say most employee reviews are more rigged than a carnival game. Even at my very first job I asked why I didn't get any "Excellent" marks, the highest rating. "Because there is always room for improvement, and upper management told us no one can get any excellent marks" was usually the answer I got.

Dating is tough, but I have forged down a long and bumpy road in St. Louis. I have, three times, sent an email to males that I thought would be candid with me, per my request, when they ceased contacting me after a date, even if the feeling was mutual.

Most read: Hello you. I appreciated how much honesty you used when we talked/met. Can I ask a question honestly? Why did you not contact me further after our date? Was it personality, physical or other? Thanks dear

I have had zero responses. Do I get excellents in any category? Am I perpetually '3 of 5' or worse?

Tell me why don't you love me? Tell me baby, why don't you love me? When I make me so damn easy to love? -Beyonce

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Antiqued Touch Clutch

Fashion Director Nina Garcia, probably best noted as a Project Runway judge, recently sat down with several fashion bloggers and was quoted in the April 2011 Marie Claire magazine "Few Internet sensations can sustain an audience for ver long- unless they're fashion-focused...It's this new generation of tastemakers- from Jessica Quirk of What I Wore to Stephanie Toms of CocoChic- who remind us daily, that from the blogosphere to our offices in the Hearst Tower, we're all in the business of getting dressed." Side note: I am in love with Jessica Quirk.

Once you start reading, and get hooked on a few fashion blogs you start seeing that there is a lot of interaction between fashion bloggers. Few are as notable as Louise Ebel of Pandora; she even has a page dedicated to paints/drawings/musings people do of her! I collect photos from almost every blog I read of projects I would like to make.

In honor of the Royal nuptials of Charles and Kate, I finally recreated Louise's Topshop clutch with vintage brooches that I loved in her April 26, 2010 post In Bloom. For legal reasons I won't post the pictures here, just visit and scootch down to the last photo- beautiful, right?! Louise also doned it in May 16, 2010's Wasn't Born to Follow.

I spent months trying to find a black clutch I liked enough, for the right price. I was sad to not find a black velvet clutch, but clutched up this black leather beauty at Marshall's for $16. All four of the vintage brooches were from Big Bend Antique Gallery from this one booth that only does jewelry. Last time I ventured with Kathleen, we spent maybe an hour and a half in this booth alone. $12 was spent collectively on the four brooches; I still search for a cameo but refuse to pay $50, which was the cheapest one I could find at Big Bend. Two dollars in trim and super glue were the only other expenses.

Now I want a military jacket with gold accents to go with it. Never satisfied.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Check it out!

I've been interviewed about my Etsy shop The Grocery Store. Peruse my interview over at Brittany's Best and make sure to "like" Brittany's Best on Facebook!!!!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Everybody's Free, to send Postcards

Postcards are such a passion. Its hard to understand why in just a few lines some people reach me more than others from my Postcrossing postcards.  Like my German pen pal, I knew after reading his first postcard we would get along splendidly.

After receiving a pretty awesome postcard from The Netherlands from Kars, I saw he has the potential for awesomeness: reads science fiction and cooks Mexican!  With such awesomeness I didn't hesitate to check out his blog, which is dedicated to the comings and goings of Postcrossing postcards.  I was aghast with the wretchedly boring postcards he had received from all over the world.

I sent him a second message, nearly demanding, his address so he could receive a postcard with life and some freaking color.  Here she is, my modern day Statue of Liberty.  A siren of liberty, of the we sing... from her bosom's side, let freedom ring.