Sunday, June 14, 2009

what does it mean when all of my stuff breaks?

yesterday at about 4:45 all my stuff started breaking. the little plastic bump on my belt fell off somewhere, so it won't close properly. then that thing (why don't any of these gizmos have names? they must and i just don't know them) that hangs off your umbrella so you can snap it up and carry it came off. in the middle of the night my decorative birdcage fell off the ceiling, taking a strip of paint with it,  and bashed up my bamboo trash can. this morning i discovered a pen had broken in my purse and left a terrible blue stain on the gold lame bottom. 
i don't know why, but all of this upsets me greatly. i suppose i am a materialist, but in my defense, it has nothing to do with having expensive things to maintain the status quo. with the exception of the purse none of this stuff is particularly nice, most of it from thrift stores and the urban outfitters yard sale. but there is something that grates my nerves about having my stuff imperfect unless i got it that way. though i am not a careful woman and don't take particularly good care of most of my things, including my self, i still don't like it when they are messed up, especially when i can't fix them. i tried nail polishing the bottom of the bag, and it looks better, but not great, and a little lumpy. superglue did not hold the umbrella strappy on, and the belt is going to have to be appropriated for something else. the trashcan will get the hot glue treatment later. but it won't be the same. 
i know i know, this is probably a lesson in change and letting go and all that jazz. but i like my stuff, maybe because it's the one thing i can control. if i have a terrible day and everyone is an asshole and somebody who doesn't even know me yells at me because he can't find a book on calculus, when i leave i am comforted by my umbrella that matches my purse, by my big white room with the birdcage covered in metal wrought roses swinging in the cross breeze. i gathered them for these purposes. so maybe all i'm saying is it's okay to mourn a belt. maybe we should all remember that sometimes. 

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