I don't know how to help my friend. She's in love with a boy. Who has been in a long term relationship for several years, but neither of us knew. She is so confused. It breaks my heart, as she wishes nothing but happiness for him. I wonder if he knows her feelings. We were curious about his girlfriend and I asked another aquintence of his. The only description was thin, really reall thin. Which made my friend feel self conscious with the odds stacked against her. I wish I could make her see how beautiful she is; I heard a song in the bathroom of Outback last night that describes her "Diamonds on the inside" by Ben Harper. I'm at such a loss. She kinda reminds me of Jane Bennet, from Pride and Prejeduce (yes I just finished), she is trying to put away all these feelings and act like he doesn't affect her, that his friendship is enough. As Elizabeth Bennet, I can see he has some affection for her but I think world circumstances will keep them apart. Sigh. Such heavy feelings for 10am on a Saturday.
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