This image that has been crossstiched by artist Noelle Mason, measuring 50 x 66 inches, it was one of the few images we got of Eric and Dylan, armed to the teeth and walking through the Columbine cafeteria, angered that the bombs they had brought would not go off. I'm still thankful to this day they never released the video Eric and Dylan made explaining what their intentions were about.

The average number of comments on a blog post for Craftzine is 2-5, if there are more than 10 you can bet that blog will become a guest writer for Craftzine. This morning after reading most of the 41, yes, Forty-One, comments I am scared by in a community of artist the hatred and angry shouts for censorship.
In reading the comments I learned where the aritst was inspired to title of the cross stich, "Nothing Much Happened Today (for Eric and Dylan)." "Nothing much happened today" is a quote from King George III's journal. It was the only entry on the day the revolutionary war began.
My saddness comes from the hateful comments that were left, I also read that several were so vulgar they were deleted by blog moderators. I imagine that was the kind of hate that Eric and Dylan felt, that drove them to taking lives.
I am thankful that I had parents that loved me, that do love me now. They don't always understand my quirks or strange habits that make me seem foriegn or an engima to some people, but I never got so low that I ever had to retaliate those who judged, taunted and ridiculed me. They are a love safety net. My mom always encouraged to try and confront others with how they made me feel. Easier said then done, but I had someone loving me and making me realize that I could be diffrent.
I wish Eric and Dylan knew this kind of love. I wish terrorists in all countries to know this kind of love. Actually I wish it for everyone.
sometimes i don't get around to reading your blogs. i'm sorry i missed this one. it's a very special one to me! I DO love you sweet sarah! Mom