Upon penetration of the women's facilities a newer coworker is located at 11 o'clock. This problem will be diffused soon as she is done washing her hands.
Mission number 1 accomplished, waiting to open the hatch before dropping of Torpedoes. Blip, blip blip. Mother hen, please hold as we wait for coworker to exit bathroom and be off radar. Copy that.

1 minute.
2 minutes.
3 minutes.
Tower do you have radar confirmation that coworker has left the premises. That's a negative. Still have a visible on her twenty in front of the sinks, please stand by. Copy that tower, Mother hen is wanting to relax and drop eggs as soon as possible.
4 minutes.
5 minutes.
Tower, Mother Hen cannot wait any longer, please confirm we have permission to plop. Negative that Mother Hen, please wait till we have bathroom silence.
6 minutes.
Door opens.
Mother Hen, we have interference with another plane, please drop as soon as other aircraft begins loud number 1. Copy that tower, relief accomplished. Can you verify whereabouts of coworker please tower? Copy, coworker is still planted in front of paper towels, sorry negative, coworker is heading out the door, Mother hen you are free to return to your desk.
Copy on the clear skies. Over and out.
sarah, seriously, you need to do stand up.
ReplyDeletehaven't we all had this experience