Back on June 30th I busted out laughing while searching the St. Louis Craigslist personal Ads. Someone actually wanted someone to come to their house and sit in their tub full of noodles. The insanity went on to describe that they had to sit in there for 5 minutes, a neighbor across the hall would stop watch to make sure there was no cheating and no BYOS (bring your on sauce), no worries he had his own!
Well today my friends I was sent a little link by my Pop-Culture-Equal, my co-worker Tobben. Once again I busted out laughing when I saw the heading "20 Most Bizarre Craigslist Adverts of All Time." Telegraph is a London newspaper and immediately I was stoked to be eating my warmed over Skillet Spaghetti with some funnies to read.
Then I got to #5. I gasped to Tobben, "#5 was a St. Louis post THAT I POSTED ON MY BLOG!" I also said the post was better than just the paraphrased portion in the article.
I then had a hard time eating my chosen lunch. Then thought about how crazy small the world is. And, even though I just started a sentence with "and" and ended the last one with a preposition I would be happy to write for any national or foreign newspaper. I also wouldn't mind going over to London and snogging some blokes either.
Comber of Craigslist Crazies= HELLO DREAM JOB!
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