Read this Craigslist ad and tell me it doesn't remind you of Jimmy Fallon's song Idiot Boyfriend. And yes that is the picture he included.
I hardly ever call my mom. I kicked a puppy today, and would like to kick one tomorrow. I belch, fart and scratch myself in public. If I have sex with a woman, I expect her to pay for my pizza as she's walking out the door. Then I call her sister to come over and share it with me. Then I have sex with her too. I'm short, balding, fat and stupid. The fire departme
nt has rated me as the worst chef ever! And that's the only title I've ever held. I lie, cheat and steal-- usually with the same person if possible. I eat my weight in corndogs daily. I think Rosie O'Donnell is HOT!! OMG!! I believe a woman should know her place. I pass sexually based notes to married women in church. Then I denounce christianity as Satan's religion. I will tell your brother about our sex life. And your dad, just to see if I can give him a heart attack. I think it's funny when people die of a heart attack. I'll laugh at your father's funeral. Uncontrolably! I've cheated on every woman I have ever been with, and plan to cheat on you too! You must love cheaters to be with me! I'm going to give you some type of STD-- I'll decide which one after I meet you. I quit believing in honesty after I filled out my eHarmony compatability profile and they sent me a blow up sex doll. It was a Bea Arthur model. My friends spit on me routinely. And I rarely shower. I am looking for a lady that thinks all of that is fun! Drop me a line if that is you!

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