exhibit a. is permanent but not to me. a giant, hideous silver IKEA wardrobe with lucite handles, it is nonetheless a necessity in this cupboard i call home. when i moved in the landlord told me it had been left two tenants ago because they found they couldn't get it down the stairs since it had been assembled. some other time ask me the story about the mouse that once wrangled his way inside.
exhibit b. more of a representation than a literal acquired artifact, this shirt simply stands in for a multitude in the growing pile agent 99 heaps on my telephone chair.
exhibit c. stockings, of the fancy wolford kind, (see mary kate and ashley olsen) that were donna faye's. our sizeable height difference attests to the fact that these tights are magical. i wore them to work today.
exhibit d. this chair and a matching mate were dragged from the street where they were being abandoned to the trash man. this one is for my desk and reggie, my hamster, has his cage on the other.
exhibit e. this is not in the permanent collection and must be returned to a co-worker promptly. i suggest for all of you troll 2 fans out there that you check out troll 1, it is just as good.
exhibit f. the cup that started this musing as i washed it this evening. i'm fairly certain it belongs to kathryn or angie. i think it was used a sheath for a knife brought over for christmas cookie day.
exhibit g. beige underpants that i can't recall purchasing. i have no others like them. a true mystery.
exhibit h. an army man in sniper position. he sits under my microwave and scares mice off of the refrigerator ( i hope)
exhibit i. a rug that i believe belonged to ellen philpott and through repeated abandonment and rescue in various apartments, has ended up in my kitchen.
exhibit j. an empty wine bottle from my balcony that i also blame on kathryn and angie.
exhibit k. the oldest and most loved of the collection, a boombox stolen with amanda shideler from the 'stuff from 1999' section of the storage area at our college. we also tried to steal a floor lamp that day, which in retrospect may have been from a section reserved for furniture that belonged to the recently (at the time) deceased president of the college.
somewhere out there in your collections you probably have an exhibit x. my vhs copy of The Great Mouse Detective that i left in someone's VCR or an exhibit y. the channel changer to the TV I still have. whatever is in your collections, send me your stories about them.
Um, according to the miscellaneous box I found just last week, I totes still have *a* channel changer of yours.
ReplyDeleteAs for my collections, let's see... there's the glass I 100% accidentally stole from Moody, and a fork that I am pretty sure belonged to Lorrie McCann. I inherited some plastic storage drawers and a panda bear trashcan from... Meredith Harper, maybe? Elaine currently has the panda can. I still have a bunch of throw rugs that were Amy's. Oh, and I have a floor lamp that I think I got from Tall Lady #2. For the post-college collection, I mainly just have things on my desk at work that a former coworker left behind - a lamp, a bulletin board easel-thingy...