reading the watchmen and eating ramen noodles at my desk. what sort of person am i becoming?
I dunno, i think about sarah and i and how the things we believe to be best in us are wasted on the people that surround us every day at work. i feel stupid and she feels crazy, but my true self knows i am clever, just not with all these numbers and abbreviations for things it would be just as easy to say out. and she is the most boundlessly imaginative person i've ever known, but she does a dull job in a taupe office.
i think this is all connected to my guilt at abandoning this little blog lately. i'm sorry two bests. i'm coming back to you. i'm reaching out.
You are those things they sell at Yankee Candle store that warms the candle wax for the smell. But the candle wax is my heart. You warm my heart.