Thursday, April 30, 2009
I'm not sure if I'm going to go see the Wolverine movie this weekend.
Warm fuzzies
Notte Sento (English subtitles) from napdan on Vimeo.
office space malaise
reading the watchmen and eating ramen noodles at my desk. what sort of person am i becoming?
I dunno, i think about sarah and i and how the things we believe to be best in us are wasted on the people that surround us every day at work. i feel stupid and she feels crazy, but my true self knows i am clever, just not with all these numbers and abbreviations for things it would be just as easy to say out. and she is the most boundlessly imaginative person i've ever known, but she does a dull job in a taupe office.
i think this is all connected to my guilt at abandoning this little blog lately. i'm sorry two bests. i'm coming back to you. i'm reaching out.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Embroidery has the best uses.

Saturday, April 25, 2009
Katy Perry is my Style Icon.

I don't think I've ever been so obsessed with one person's style for this long. Katy Perry is every decade and classic too. My favorite song still is Hot & Cold (see below for a suprise rendition of this amazing love hate ballad). Tonight I found this interview she did in this outfit that I could eat up. Notice how her glasses are heart shaped. AMAZING! I love her.
I found an article with the best Muppet paraodies.
This is my favorite one!
Want to check out more. Here is the article.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
OMG! She's has my!

Spreading faster than YouTube videos on the Internet, Spicy Ranch has TAKEN over my office. We have two fridges that you can leave your lunch in or keep condiments for regular use. If you were to look right now you would see at least four bottles in the west fridge and two in the east fridge. Its really getting out of control.
From 11 -2pm you can see all the ladies of my department walking around with bottles of Spicy Ranch tattooed in Sharpie with their name. It reminds me of a dressing my mom bought me in elementary school called "Pizza Ranch." I cried the day we went to Kroger and they no longer carried that wonderful nectar of the Gods.
I like to think that person behind Spicy Ranch cried too the day that Pizza Ranch died. No worries my genius friend. My office lady friends can't get enough. Frankly, neither can I, I broke down and bought some tonight. This Hidden Valley's for You Mr. Pizza Ranch Resurrecter!
Music is my Ikea bed.

Artist: Lowry
Discovered: 99 Dollar Music Videos
Mood: That nostalgic feeling of home movies.
Favorite Lines: "Streets lead to tunnels / tunnels lead to New Jersey / New Jersey leads to the states / states lead to the ocean”
“Put that away don’t you know / you gotta grow up sometime / you gotta grow up sometime”
"There you are / In the Sun / Drinking whiskey / Having Fun”
Lead singer holding a cup of coffee and playing the keyboard with the other in the music video: Amazing.
Pace: One moment it is a slow motion barefoot dancer and then its little kids on a trampoline too.
Not sure what to get Esme Cullen for Mother's Day?
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Remember when it was called secretary's day?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Everyone won't stop talking about her. Dream the dream!

The legend of the Music TV
Left over apples from that pie you made?
Bat for Lashes
This video uses concepts that I've never seen visually. I'm in love! After listening to the song again it is growing on me. I like to think that the dancers in black are some of my favorite Hollins dancers. Enjoy!
Mountain Goats Sing My Heart Song
Kathleen introduced me to another song that I ate up.
Now I found the song, Mountain Goats noless, that perfectly describes when L left.
Stars- Your Ex Lover is Dead is still an amazing fit for those feelings too.
On the morning I woke up with out you for the first time. I felt free. And I felt lonely and I felt scared.
Mountain Goats - Woke Up New (Directed by Rian Johnson) from rcjohnso on Vimeo.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Twittering taken way to far....

Saturday, April 18, 2009
trying to be unnecessarily profound to the tune of an ice cream truck.
i'm having that search your inner self moving crisis, which basically means i wanted a chance to sit in my chair, the only uncovered surface in my apartment and pretend like thinking is a good excuse not to do work. i took my christmas lights down last because i knew going out on the balcony would make me mopey, as it is the place i love most in my apartment. it was easy to forget its charm through the winter and even up until today, the first truly gorgeous day of spring.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Music is my third grade best friend.

Song: You
Artist: Atmosphere
Album: When Life Gives You Lemons, You Paint That S**t Gold
Labeled: Hip Hop/Rap
Discovered: Jerking off around iTunes. After Kathleen visited and then I couldn't get Mikey Avalon out of my head and had to buy "My Dick."
Mood: I listen to it when I'm hating work or feeling very angry at other humans.
Favorite Lines: "I don't see why you so nice to customers / They're all fucks and low lives. "
"Trying to pay them student loans / And the lights and the phone and the food and the home. / And you ain't quite broke but you couldn't afford that place on your own. /Gotta roommate, to split the rent with /Now you never feel independent. "
"Now attitude check, Still show up? / You haven't quit yet? "
Line that must be sung out loud: "But deep down you wanna curse them all. / Fuck off asshole jerk off dirt ball."
I want to film my life on a HV30 with Brevis 35mm lens adapter
"Get Off The Stage" (VIDBLOG HD) Florida 01/2009 from justin on Vimeo.
In love with a Boy.
He stars in this test film and its filmed my Justin Johnson.
Lock Stock and Four Hungry Hippos.
Lock, Stock, and Four Hungry Hippos from justin on Vimeo.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Not to ruin it, but its a short musical about triming your vag
Is it me or is someone watching my dreams at night?
If you have trouble viewing the embedded file click here.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Asiago Bagel.
There is a cute old guy over by the drinks that is mapping out drafts for buildings, blueprints, with T-Rulers and all sorts of pencils. Sometimes he takes his drawings next door to FedEx to do something with them. I am scared that someone will be filling up there pepsi and fling it back onto his drawings. I'm kinda nervous. As a PSA side note don't FedEx anything to Kathleen, they are confusing and couldn't figure out how to change the drop off schedule.
This is a pretty boring entry but the two best friends are kinda in la la land right now.
Ohh! Here goes our man again to FedEx, he has a cute waddle.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
this warms the cockles of my heart
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Retraction: Harem Pants
Isabella Rossellini's voice sooths my soul.
Please Mister Postman
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
thank god i was incidentally sitting. (see below)
billy, what the fuck? i know she sometimes likes girls, but that does not always an indie grrl make. tila will NOT appreciate your poetry about wolves and stars. you know what she appreciates? tequila. she made it her last name for christsakes. this is EXACTLY the sort of thing that happens when you let kathy griffin host something called the a-list awards. everyone gets confused about their roles.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
ShamWow guy gets arrested.

Monday, April 6, 2009
here is why i want to be famous
Sunday, April 5, 2009
People watchers get ready to fall in love!
Zombie Candles
Saturday, April 4, 2009
trainwreck good
Friday, April 3, 2009
My mantra: Tiny Things Are Cute and now it has a website!

My latest love song obsession
Can we touch this?

6 Pairs of Kicks is my Deffinition of 12 Steps
Thursday, April 2, 2009
what's your latest obsession?
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
what have you inherited?
So excited about this movie!
If you are having trouble viewing here is a link: