Sunday, May 29, 2011

Keep my head in them books, I'm sharp but you don't care to know I'm smart.

I would say most employee reviews are more rigged than a carnival game. Even at my very first job I asked why I didn't get any "Excellent" marks, the highest rating. "Because there is always room for improvement, and upper management told us no one can get any excellent marks" was usually the answer I got.

Dating is tough, but I have forged down a long and bumpy road in St. Louis. I have, three times, sent an email to males that I thought would be candid with me, per my request, when they ceased contacting me after a date, even if the feeling was mutual.

Most read: Hello you. I appreciated how much honesty you used when we talked/met. Can I ask a question honestly? Why did you not contact me further after our date? Was it personality, physical or other? Thanks dear

I have had zero responses. Do I get excellents in any category? Am I perpetually '3 of 5' or worse?

Tell me why don't you love me? Tell me baby, why don't you love me? When I make me so damn easy to love? -Beyonce

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