Fashion Director Nina Garcia, probably best noted as a Project Runway judge, recently sat down with several fashion bloggers and was quoted in the April 2011 Marie Claire magazine "Few Internet sensations can sustain an audience for ver long- unless they're fashion-focused...It's this new generation of tastemakers- from Jessica Quirk of What I Wore to Stephanie Toms of CocoChic- who remind us daily, that from the blogosphere to our offices in the Hearst Tower, we're all in the business of getting dressed." Side note: I am in love with
Jessica Quirk.
Once you start reading, and get hooked on a few fashion blogs you start seeing that there is a lot of interaction between fashion bloggers. Few are as notable as Louise Ebel of
Pandora; she even has a page dedicated to paints/drawings/musings people do of her! I collect photos from almost every blog I read of projects I would like to make.
In honor of the Royal nuptials of Charles and Kate, I finally recreated Louise's Topshop clutch with vintage brooches that I loved in her
April 26, 2010 post In Bloom. For legal reasons I won't post the pictures here, just visit and scootch down to the last photo- beautiful, right?! Louise also doned it in
May 16, 2010's Wasn't Born to Follow.
I spent months trying to find a black clutch I liked enough, for the right price. I was sad to not find a black velvet clutch, but clutched up this black leather beauty at Marshall's for $16. All four of the vintage brooches were from Big Bend Antique Gallery from this one booth that only does jewelry. Last time I ventured with Kathleen, we spent maybe an hour and a half in this booth alone. $12 was spent collectively on the four brooches; I still search for a cameo but refuse to pay $50, which was the cheapest one I could find at Big Bend. Two dollars in trim and super glue were the only other expenses.
Now I want a military jacket with gold accents to go with it. Never satisfied.