and here we have the best collection of sunday items a girl could ask for. charlie made fun of me for being too fancy to eat crabs out in a delaware swamp restaurants called the boondocks, but i maintain nothing is better than whacking crustaceans in an electric blue sack sundress and a straw hat. i even managed to leave with my bra, which is more than i can say for the lady two tables over, as they have a collection of discarded unmentionables hanging from the pipes in the elvis and gone with the wind bedecked bathrooms.i had fried tomatoes to start and from the all-you-can-eat number twos buffet i ate about 9, (second place!!!!) beating sarah who manages to even eat crabs in a tidy and methodical way. in her defense she was slowed down by that cattail and mason jar creation in the middle, an acid green drink called a swampwater that even the waitress couldn't fully explain. some of the ingredients? vodka, sprite, triple sec and coke. to top it all off? chocolate peanut butter pie. heaven.