Monday, March 8, 2010

New task time

Okay we've had some time on our first sets of tasks and for both of us the last one is to make an inspirational home cooked meal, which we will both get around to tomorrowish, jumbalaya and ingredients willing. SO little lady, here are your newer instructions:

# 1: Everyone secretly wants to take pictures of themselves looking like urban models in their cutest outfits. it's why we buy full length mirrors. so, go ahead and do it. post a picture of your most innovative ensem (or two) from the course of the week.

#2: yer bedroom. the last person you had in your boudoir was me, and it shows. focus this week/ weekend's cleaning time on sexing up your love nest. Pick up your socks (socks are the least sexy article of clothing known to mankind, apart from dick muffs) and clothing from the floor, vaccuum your rug (literally, you guttermind), clean off your dresser, and put all that makeup shit back in the bathroom. The only thing I want on that little table in the corner is a vase for the flowers at the end of this that  you'll buy for yourself. take this as a mental bikini wax. you need to do some love tidying. have fun with it too. figure out where best to hang your new art. come up with some new lighting ideas, buy yourself a new velvet curtain. DON'T get caught up in non-visible problem areas like your drawers, dresser, closet, etc. just shove everything out of sight and we can worry about nit picky tidying later. Right now, clean up your dirty room. I want photo documentation.

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