So that is where I've been.
Here is a list of everything I got for Christmas, feel free to respond with similiar:
Black knee length coat from Victoria's Secret
which goes strangely well with the mom-style fur-lined duck boots I got from L.L. Bean
A cookbook of recipes written on recipe cards from my auntie.
Are you Being Served? on DVD
The Graveyard Book, which will merit a separate post on Gaiman's ability to get it up but not to finish it off
The Looking Glass Wars
Another book that looks right up my alley about vacationers, including little old ladies, riding camel-back somewhere exotic. The actual name of the book escapes me at the moment.
My surprise favorite gift of a set of adorable, bristly little wooden forrest creature ornaments from my dearheart. there is something so nice about getting ornaments for a shared tree from someone you love.
In my stocking(s) Betsey Johnson socks, a black skull candle, a wee garden gnome, magnetic mah jongg, a glittery bow for my hair, a batter spatula that gives the middle finger, some hair barettes meant for small children-mostly these are ducks and bows and the like, but there is one inexplicable bear playing a banjo and a host of body lotions and sugar-free chocolate bars and etc.
The world's most cleverly crafted apron with matching cupcake tray and oven mitts sewn by the goddess Sarah who could be selling the dang thing at Anthropologie for $80.
The above hat in magenta and black, which keeps me warm but makes me look like a gay Scutt Farcus.
A lovely card and heirloom Cameo ring
A mason jar of peppermint liquer
A subscription to Real Simple (yay!)
...and a few other things i have since forgotten. On the whole, a good haul, and an excellent Christmas.
And yourselves?
i can't tell you how many times i've found myself in clothing that "keeps me warm but makes me look like a gay Scutt Farcus." so help me, God, yellow eyes!