...that i want these?
Monday, December 6, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
Yeah, failing life.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
necklace DIY
Saturday, September 11, 2010
nails and rings

Friday, September 10, 2010
VIctory ! ...rolls at last
okay so obviously they are not perfect, but at least they are up. i've wanted to make victory rolls for my hair for awhile now. i was especially inspired by the countless episodes of 'allo 'allo i've been watching in my bedroom. (or as gendarme crabtree would say, witching in my bidroam). i'll include some images of the french resistance girls to show off my current fashion inspirations. also inspiring me? the beginning of a school year as a poor student. elaborate hair dos were all the rage in the forties because there were clothes rations and girls had to find other ways of tarting themselves up, so my gesture is symbolic.
listen very carefully, i will say this only once: it is michelle, of the resistance!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
to market to market to eat like a pig

eric took me to the maxwell street market on sunday for some tasty tasty mexican food. I had pork tacos, green chile and chicken tamales, vanilla and strawberry churros and mango ice cream. also for sale were tires and those beanbag boards that you have at church parties and elementary school spring flings. weird, right?
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
Prada DIY
the inspiration--prada chandelier shoes and rainbow pedicure photo from sea of shoes
okay so, being a pretty girly girl these days i loove these shoes. obviously they are crazy expensive. so i made em myself. originals, $1,200.mine? roughly forty bucks, all told.
the result- black wire, two deconstructed necklaces from burlington and a pair of lucite prom shoes from sears.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
a while back....

silver dress-handmade vintage vogue design (thrifted)
clutch-recycled juice box pencil case purchased at b & n
shoes- rugged warehouse in roanoke, virginia (best one in the world)
......i wore this outfit. i found this dress one spring break in college while visiting NC to see emily wexler. the drawing of those shoes does no credit to their tranny nature. they are silver and orange and blue faux reptile with jewels, open toed and somehow still pointy, t-strapped with fake wooden stacked heels. i love them.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
up close

Thursday, August 19, 2010
fleurs, flowers, flores
a selection

outfit 2: gold, red and black headscarf, thrifted; black nightgown that i pretend is a dress, gap body; red and tan bronx sandals, la de da.
outfit 3: purple jersey dress, urban outfitters; tan wrap espadrilles, payless; tooled leather clutch with flowers and skulls, etsy x-mas giftie from my love.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
sorry i've been MIA...
...but now that i'm in CHICAGO i'll have plenty of time to catch up since me and e are unemployed and my little love nest is near set up. i've been spendin time with my sweet sweet boy and gettin the old apartment spruced up so it's tidy for when i l around and do nothing in it for the next sweet couple of weeks. more to come, i swear, and maybe in color!
Monday, August 2, 2010
pretty damn girlie.

and here we have the best collection of sunday items a girl could ask for. charlie made fun of me for being too fancy to eat crabs out in a delaware swamp restaurants called the boondocks, but i maintain nothing is better than whacking crustaceans in an electric blue sack sundress and a straw hat. i even managed to leave with my bra, which is more than i can say for the lady two tables over, as they have a collection of discarded unmentionables hanging from the pipes in the elvis and gone with the wind bedecked bathrooms.i had fried tomatoes to start and from the all-you-can-eat number twos buffet i ate about 9, (second place!!!!) beating sarah who manages to even eat crabs in a tidy and methodical way. in her defense she was slowed down by that cattail and mason jar creation in the middle, an acid green drink called a swampwater that even the waitress couldn't fully explain. some of the ingredients? vodka, sprite, triple sec and coke. to top it all off? chocolate peanut butter pie. heaven.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Space Cases

Friday, July 30, 2010
tricksy flowers
off-white tank- j jill (obviously a giftie from mommy)
high-waisted red rose flouncy skirt- urban outfitters
shoes- bronx sandals
i can usually fool people into thinking i'm well dressed with floral patterns. i don't know what it is, but everyone compliments me when i wear this skirt, even though today i looked like a big ol' slob. (but hey, i was cool)
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
oh no tequila
satin two-tone heels- steve madden via sound feet or barefeet or some other awesome shoe store with a boring name (rampant in philadelphia)
clutch- sparkly floral gift from my sarah b.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
11th Grade Literature that I CAN NOT LET GO OF
It appears she sat in front of a table and as a visitor you could sit across from her. They have portraits of every visitor who took the second chair and the amount of time spent across from Marina. Then I saw this GEM of a picture and Q: what imagine did it conjure up?

A: If you answered William Faulkner's "A Rose for Emily" you are correct! The only thing missing a pillow with a “long strand of iron-gray hair.” Poor Homer Barron.
full moon, rose and details
clockwise from top left-
1. acid green rhinestone covered big toe
2. pink halter top with black and cream bra straps
3. big ass gem earrings that totally blinded onlookers from a truly hideous tank dress
4. Disney Princess luggage tote being wheeled by ancient asian man who i'm pretty sure was also wearing a 'mature woman's' cotton hawaiian print top
5. brave lil' sunflower sarah bought at the urban jungle after pope brunch
6. drunk, loud, frat boy with a solo cup and a wristband who said the usual banal things about pussy and beer BUT WAS WEARING CAT FACE PAINT
7. truly excellent ruffle sleeves on a khaki colored dress that i wish would migrate to my closet (or suitcase, as the case may be)
A more subtle look for my eyes.
Make Up Geek
Lately I have had a lot of interest in learning different ways to do my make up. At my hairdresser's suggestion I checked out the multitude of blogs and Youtube videos dedicated to makeup. I came across Makeup Geek who has her own store where you can buy products she uses as well as samples of some of the more expensive stuff. I bought some of the Ben Nye pigment samples to try this Hawaiian look. Yep, its a work in progress. I definitely need some more practice.
Living In: Debbie Does Dallas

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Show me your teeth.

Friday, July 23, 2010
I heart underthings
pink striped victoria's secret underwear- model's own
Okay I don't really, because bra shopping is a drag, but i tell you what, finding a sexy bra is an instant mood lifter. i tried on a couple today at h and m and bought the top one as i desperately needed a strapless bra. I also like in this changeable day and age that you can almost always get a strapless bra with detachable straps, just in case. ugh i broke my own rules and used the word strap or some variant like six times in one sentence. apologies.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
black dress, white plate
shoesies-same ol same ol bronx tan and reds from La De Da
So there i am in my simple dress, probably the most flattering silhouette i've ever gotten from an article of clothing, thanks to the genius that is Issac Mizrahi (yes i will make you gowns!) even for target. i drew it on a magazine article, liking the print, which is why there is a giant and distracting piece of spinach to my left.
Slug Poop.
1. Make up and Beauty Blog 2. MissChievous 3. Make up and Beauty Blog
I'm sorry but some of these Fall 2010 Nail Colors are like slimmy slug poop. The second two are China Glaze and the first one is Barielle. To be fair the first one looks more like slug that is dissolved by salt (see the little glitter crystals).
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
so i tend to fall in love with the various accoutrement of an outfit and, as can be attested by my goggled eyed wonder in those shops that dot south street and sell rows upon rows of rhinestone goodies, i love a bit of sparkle-but overall i'm not terribly good at adding the complimentary bracelet to make an outfit. (what a long sentence! can you tell i'm reading Eco? he has lists for PAGES) Instead i prefer to wear a few good things on a daily basis. you can tell from my picturs that i have on a particular necklace from a particular gent every day, but i also have a ring he gave me that i wear on the daily. this you don't see because i'm terrible at drawing hands. so this is my tribute not to my auxiliary accessories, but to my vital necessities.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Nightie night

kicks- same ol' urban outfitters canvas sneakers
okay so this dress is beautiful and so comfortable, even though it vaguely reminds me of a nightgown. not such a bad asset when you wake up still drunk and have to stumble through a rite- aid looking for one of those double shot trashy starbucks drinks. the color is pretty neat too; on the tag it was described as evergreen and putty. putty doesn't sound attractive, and honestly i'm not making much about this outfit or day seem glamorous, but really, neither was too shabby.
Things of mine I like
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Everybody's workin for the weekend

Sunday- DIY dollar-store headband with fake flower leaves superglued on, urban outfitters floral dress, red Bronx sandals
Okay so i did a twofer and included my saturday and sunday on the back of a postcard in my tearaway edward gorey day planner. i'm trying to figure out how to make these look more cute and less ridiculous, but i suppose that's a fine balance when you are documenting your cartoon alter ego. anyway, saturday was so godawful hot that i changed about thirty times. (okay three, but still alot!) and today is getting almost unbearable, which is why i wore my favorite summer braless-cotton shift dress EVER. major bummer equals my camera battery dying, so this is kinda an eh picture.