Today I found out that my Dad joined Twitter, which I refuse to use. His first tweet was, "I have to go pee-pee." Also, even though I knew about it, it scared me when an unkown bell sounded from my computer with a pop-up. My dear best friend from Atlanta Katie Johnson sent me my first "G-Chat." Its like Facebook chat, which is like AOL Instant Message which originated from Chat Rooms, and those were created by perverts. Well maybe perverts weren't the first, but chat rooms are like a blue light outside a swamp house and flies are the pervs.
I don't know if I am behind the times, or if I'm sticking my heels in the ground and letting the times go on without me. I'm scared to think about my kids laughing amoungst each other one day:
Mom's just changed her manual door locks to the new retnal eye scan! Remember growing up when we all had keys and would lose them? Then all the effort it took to turn the key and the knob. Sheesh, I wonder if Grandpa Stan and Grandmema had doors with keys or if keys were invinted back then.