I have been in love with this tenticale muffler ever since I saw it on Craft: October 2007. I think I am going to try and create something like this to wear for winter. Any ideas kids? It looks crocket/knitted and I'm not the best with needles (in my arm or with yarn). I'm worried about just making a tube with circles on it and it not having the same life-like effect this one has.
At only $3.99 I think I am going to have to buy this and save it for my kids as a sign of the times! If you want to get your own just head on over to BlueQ.
I have had several sex ed classes. I know that I have the power to say "No." That I don't have to take anything from anyone. So in this post 3rd wave feminism society how do agents talk B,C,D and even sometimes A-list celebrities in to doing these movie franchises? To set the scene I was on the way to work when a radio ad for Bring it On: Fight to the Finish came on. Available on DVD in a few weeks.
Bring It On, the original, I love love that movie. Bring It On Again, I have never seen and appropriately it had actresses I've never heard of either. Bring It on: All or Nothing, how do they get Hayden Panettiere and Solange Knowles?? Bring It On: In It To Win It, well I guessed that they were In It To Win It because the last movie they were like, o-m-g All or Nothing. They were able to score one big name for In It To Win It: Tisdale- Jennifer Tisdale, as in High School Musical's Ashley Tisdale's little sister! And now... Bring It On: Fight to the Finish, with the lead conflicted (yet determined) cheerleader role going to Christina Milian.
In case you lost track that is five.. FIVE Bring It On Movies.
So what does it take to sit down Christinia Milian and compliment her, brag on her, get her a bottle of water and then try to get her into the fifth installment of a movie franchise where the last four movies were made for TV/straight to DVD. Did they lie to her and say they were going to promote this in the theater? Did they tell her this was the stepping stone to being like her idols? Did they paint beautiful mental pictures of how they always dreamed of Christina Milian starring in their Bring It On Spectacular Spectacular?
I just want to know what they say for the "yes" because they can always say "no."
If I could, everything would have a miniature version of itself and a multi version of itself. I love everything small, just some things need to be real size for "real people" time. Yes, that was a sexual innuendo. Also I love having things by the dozens. Like my overwhelming need for collecting Mexican and religious items.
Now in this instance I am drawing on the desire of multiples as I recently found another Single Ladies redo on YouTube. Don't lie to me when you see 100 ladies doing that dance in unison you feel something. No, no that was not a sexual innuendo.
Weddings are expensive. Most times women just want someone to pay for a party they can decorate. Thats why I like decorating for every day. Butttt I still love weddings. Yes I have a white dress picked out and color ideas, but right now that isn't about me! Since my B.F.F. is a book nut I just saw the cutest idea for table numbers for a wedding with this DIY vintage book table numbers project by Bird and Banner on Once Wed.
I mean lame ole me. sorry i'm studying like CRAZY because i'm gonna take the GRE's (GREs?) -jesus i can't even figure out punctuation- let alone the meaning of excoriate (to scold in a biting way). and let's not speak of math. so i'm sorry i'm lame. i'll be back. maybe a word of the day situation. don't try and get me, either, you already got one today. excoriate.
In planning for the Fall I have been looking at what necessities I will need to make it through the St. Louis winter at the office. For one I am going to need to get a snow boot, I can still remember shoveling snow in my only boots I own which are high heeled black boots that come under my knee. I have had this one idea in my mind for an outfit and I wanted to get an opinion on it.
The purple dress is the one I bought for Paula's wedding, the black belt is the one that I bought at Torrid with the black sweater for $20, the boots are the closest replicas of the one I own currently. The only thing I do not own is the Turtle neck that is from Old Navy. What do y'all think? Should I wear black tights under the dress and boots? Let me know!
Have you ever played that game where someone says three celebrity names (or for a messier game three friend's names) and you have to say which one you would marry, which one you would know in the biblical sense and who you would kill. I enjoy this game but haven't played it in awhile. While on Piperlime.com today window shopping for shoes I decided to play the game.
I could go on and on with this game. All I wanna say though is how come there was a "Sort By Section" and "Boots Over The Knees" was a new section?? That is something I would definitely like to kill. Unless you are in some kinda rad photo shoot over the knee boots have no place in society.
Can anyone explain why I am so drawn to this T-Shirt from Torrid? At first glance it does look like racoons, I thought that it was going to be an ironic T-shirt. Kathleen is right, it does sound like a T-shirt you pick up from Wings at the beach.